1821: The Greek Revolution, 21 Heroes and 21 Heroines of the War of Independence

1821: The Greek Revolution, 21 Heroes and 21 Heroines of the War of Independence

“1821: The Greek Revolution, 21 Heroes and 21 Heroines of the War of Independence” by Angeliki Mastromichalaki and Pantelis Zouras, illustrated by Spyros Zacharopoulos and published by En Plo Editions,  is a book that pays tribute to both the known and the unknown brave individuals who shaped the course of Greek history.

Mastromichalaki and Zouras take their readers back to a turning point in Greece’s past—the War of Independence against Ottoman rule. Through their engaging storytelling and interesting narratives, they bring to life the struggles, frustrations and triumphs of 21 heroes and 21 heroines who bravely fought for freedom.

From the stirring words of Greek national poet Dionysios Solomos who wrote the National Anthem to the moving and heart-warming accounts of ordinary citizens, turned visionaries and revolutionaries, each chapter offers a glimpse into the lives of those individuals who dared to dream a different future for their enslaved country. What sets this book apart is its emphasis on authenticity—it is a biographical account of the heroes and heroines whose deeds have left an indelible mark on Greek history.

One of the book’s greatest strengths is its ability to make us realize that  the heroes and heroines of the Greek Revolution were ordinary human beings. Through their struggles, fears, insecurities and triumphs, readers gain a deeper understanding of the human cost of war and the sacrifices made in the pursuit of freedom.

The book can also be used as an educational resource and reference for both children and teachers as it presents significant historical events and interesting facts in a way that is both clear and engaging, thus making it an excellent addition to any classroom or school library. As we read through the lives of those heroic individuals in each chapter, we are reminded of the power of courage and determination to overcome even the greatest of fears.

In conclusion, “1821: The Greek Revolution, 21 Heroes and 21 Heroines of the War of Independence”  is not just a book for those who are interested in biographies and history; it is also perfect for classrooms seeking to explore aspects of the people that took part in the Greek fight for Independence, in a comprehensive and interesting way!

And since I wanted to experiment with all the new AI tools available out there, here’s a pdf for educational use I created using an AI-powered tool called Twee. I chose the chapter about Ioannis Kapodistrias and first asked Twee to simplify the text to A1-A2 level. Then I chose a variety of reading activities such as multiple choice and True/False Questions among others!

And here’a a wordsearch I created about the Greek Revolution :


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